Monday, December 13, 2010

Texas in 1 week...

In one week, I get to go home for Christmas. I could not be more excited. I miss my family, my friends, and my dogs. I love Alaska, but Texas will always be my home. This past weekend I made the move to Alaska so worth it. I got baptized. I have been thinking about doing it since this summer. Rachel and I have been doing a bible study called "Journey through Faith" and it has been amazing. Our teacher, Bob, was who baptized me. I am so happy I chose to get baptized here in Alaska since my walk with Christ has grown exponentially since moving here.

A picture of the moment right after I came up.

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In His great mercy He has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ."
1 Peter 1:3

On another note, I woke up to two moose in my front yard on Saturday. I love how they walk around like they own the town. It is not odd to see them walking down the road on the sidewalk. I love moose.

Last week I went cross country skiing. IT IS HARD. I fell three times and was dripping with sweat by the end of it. Hahahah but it was still very fun and I can cross it off my list!

Monday, November 15, 2010

My favorite things about Alaska

I have now been in Alaska for almost exactly 3 months. I finally can get around all by myself and I am slowly become the best driver in the sleet/snow/ice. There are a lot of things that I love about this state. Don't get me wrong...I miss the HECK out of Texas, but if I had to live somewhere else, it would be here. I decided that since I've kinda been sucking at posting since I got here that it was time for another list. So here is my list of my favorite things about Alaska. This is just so you can have a little taste of my life here.

1. No sales tax
There is no tax here. When you buy something for $3.99, it actually just costs $3.99. This is amazing when buy big purchases. There are unfortunately two downfalls: 1. everything is more expensive here so really you aren't saving any money, but you definitely feel like you are 2. You collect WAY too many pennies. No one likes pennies. They are pointless.

2. The food
The food here is incredible. I have two new favorite restaurants now. My all time favorite is Bear's Tooth. I could literally eat there every day for the rest of my life and be happy (It is my second all time favorite restaurant...nothing can beat Vitina's). I get the Rosemary burger with their famous garlic-cilantro fries. I LOVE IT. Number two on the list is Moose's Tooth which has the best pizza I've had other than sitting in Rome, Italy. My favorite is the Chicken Ranch pizza. It's to die for.

3. Moose
These are some of the cutest animals I have ever seen. I have seen about 10 and I still get SUPER excited every time I see one. Unfortunately, I haven't seen a big bull moose, but hopefully I will eventually.

4. All the awesome things to do
The list of things to do in Alaska is insane. You can hike, white water raft, hunt, fish, ski, sled, snowmachine, cross country ski, snow shoe, and so much more. I have done several of those things on the list, but so far fishing has been my favorite. I caught a 20 inch rainbow trout. Hiking was also super fun. Flattop was my favorite hike I did.

5. The snow
I love the snow. When I was younger, my mom said I used to stand out in the snow in Colorado for hours. I never wanted to come in. I love watching snow fall and standing in the dead silence. The best is waking up when it has snowed all night and everything is white. You can't get that in Texas.

6. The Alaskan Aggie Club
This has been my favorite part of moving here. We are a part of an Aggie club up here and we watch all the football games together. It is so awesome getting to hang out with other Aggies. Most of my friends are from this club too. We have a BLAST watching the Aggies BTHO everyone. I sure miss A&M, but this is a pretty good alternative.

It's been so amazing so far and it's only been 3 months. I am excited to go home to Texas to see my friends and family, but living here is better than ever.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I live in a beautiful place.

"When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?

You have made them a little lower than the angels
and crowned them with glory and honor.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
you put everything under their feet:
all flocks and herds,
and the animals of the wild,
the birds in the sky,
and the fish in the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas."

-Psalms 8:3-8

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The first snow...

"All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17
There is this spot that I love to go to. We always go watch the sunset there. It literally has everything that is amazing about Alaska. Mountains, the ocean, birds, and a beautiful sunset that rivals a Texas sunset. My favorite thing to do is sit here and read the bible. It is perfectly peaceful.
Well it's official. It has finally snowed. Luckily, it hasn't been too much. It's snowed twice since Tuesday. I love snow. It is gorgeous. I love just sitting and looking out the window watching the snow fall. On Tuesday, I saw a mama moose and a baby moose walk through our front yard. It was surreal. The best part of the snow is how it sits on all the tiny branches of all the trees.
This place is beautiful.

"He who forms the mountains, creates the wind, and reveals His thoughts to man, He who turns dawn into darkness, and treads the high places of the earth- the Lord God Almighty is His name." Amos 4:13

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Unbelievably Blessed

I have decided that I am unbelievably blessed. I have the best friends in the world and I miss them all more than the world. Moving to Alaska has really made me appreciate the true friendships I have made over the past 4 years. It is crazy that I HAVE met my best friends in college and I couldn't imagine life without them. These past four years have been ridiculously fun, full of laughter, and true friendship.

I miss each of my friends dearly, but I know that they will all still be my friends when I move back to Texas. It has been weird being away from all of them because some of them I spent every single day with. I am feeling super sentimental as I sit here listening to Bethany Dillon and drinking a peppermint mocha (duh, I'm addicted). So I have decided to make a list as always of my friends and write each of you a little note. :) I will also post my favorite picture of us. This will be hard for some of you.

This list is in no ranking order...I just typed them as you came to my mind. Oh also you will notice that I have 14 best friends. It's a problem.

Abby White
Oh Abby. How do I even begin? I miss the heck out of you and I hate not spending every day with you. You are an amazing person and even though you are younger (way younger) than me, I look up to you so much. You always make me laugh whether you are falling in the chapter room or we are jamming out in your car. I am so glad you pledged Pi Phi and became my best friend.

Janaye Behrens
NAY NAY! My roomie and bestie. I miss living with you and just laughing with you. You are one of the strongest people I know and I know I can always count on you for anything. I love that you are married and I got to be apart of your wedding/whole relationship. I hate being so far away, but as you said, you are technically the closet to me. :)

Rachel Athans
I can't even put our friendship into a paragraph. It is ridiculous to think of the amazing memories we have made in the cool places we have been. I would never have had the perfect time I had in Italy without you and DUH I would not have moved to AK without you. I am so thankful for you and your friendship. I thank God every day for you and couldn't imagine life without you.

Katie Haines
Katie freaking Haines. I am so blessed that you decided to live with 3 crazy old girls. :) I know that God wanted us all to be in each others lives forever. I will never forget dancing/jamming/being crazy to Body Language with you. I can't here two seconds of that song without missing you like crazy. You are one of the most genuine people I know and I am SO glad we became besties. I miss sitting on your bed and chatting. Thank goodness it doesn't cost extra for you to call me in Alaska. :)

Kristina Kern
KKern. My upstairs roomie. I am so glad we got to share a bathroom and that I got to be your alarm clock. I miss making you do jumping jacks at 7 AM. You are a GREAT friend and I am so glad we lived together. I feel like we have been roommates for 3 years haha. I am so blessed to have you in my life and I can't wait to come to Austin to visit. I miss our fun times in the pi phi house/3695/La Madeline. I love our lunch tradition and I hope when we are 85 years old we are still meeting for lunch. :)

Katy Faulk
Faulkers. I am so glad that you pledged Pi Phi not that there was ever a chance you wouldn't. I miss sneezing and having you bless me through the wall. I miss turkey sandwiches and baked cheetos. Basically, I just miss you. I love spending time with you and I love that you have been to Sherman the most times out of any of my friends. :) You understand my love for small Texas towns. I can't wait for our daughters to be pi phi sisters.

Sarah Osterhout
I don't feel like my nickname for you would be appropriate to put on here so I'll just let you laugh to yourself about that one. :) 14 years later and we are still best friends, sisters, and neighbors. I can't even think of any part of my life that you aren't a part of. You are my best friend and I know we will always be friends. I can't wait to live ac

Stacey Cox
What in the world would I do without you Mrs. Cox, my birthday twinkie? I love that every passion we have in life is similar: Italy, teaching, photography...the list goes on. I am so blessed that we were neighbors in the Pi Phi house. I am so glad that you are so happy and living life. I miss all the fun times we had working on education crap. I am so envious of your fun grown up life and I am so glad that we have kept in touch. You are fantastic.

Maggie Krenek
MAGS! Wolfy! I have too many nicknames for you. I am so freaking happy that we both decided to work at the Splash. As awful as it was, it was the best decision of my life. I have met my best friends there. I am beyond grateful for you and your friendship. Without you, this summer would have been miserable. I miss the heck out of you and I cannot wait for our baking adventures this Christmas break. It is going to be perfect.

Julie Rulla
Julieeeeee. I am SO happy we were leads together this summer. I don't think I would have made it through the summer without you...actually I know I wouldn't have. I can't thank you enough for your friendship this summer and for the rest of our lives. I look up to you spiritually so much. You are the reason I came to be in such an amazing place with God this summer and for that I am eternally grateful. I miss spending time just sitting and talking on my couch.

John Shoemaker
Well even though we haven't spoken in two months, you of course are on here. I am so glad that I got to know you last summer and you became my fake summer best friend forever. I know that whenever we hang out a good time is guaranteed. I am so blessed to have you in my life. I miss you so much and I am hoping we talk soon since I haven't updated you on my life here in the AK.

James Shoemaker
James! I adore you. I am so thankful for our past three years of friendship. I missed you a ton this summer. You always make me happy and you always know how to make me laugh. You are an amazing guy and I am so glad to call you my friend. You are so strong and I look up to you and your faith. I will never forget all of our fun memories together.

Stephen (Stichael) Shoemaker
Stichael! I am so happy we became such great friends this summer. You are and always will be my summer little brother. You are such a great guy and I applaud you for being the only shoemaker brother to keep in touch with me. :) I miss seeing you every day and getting the update on Buttons. I am so thankful for your friendship this summer and I can't wait for Christmas break.

Luke Millier
Luke Millier! I don't even know where to begin with you. I love your randomness and true passion for living life. I miss sitting and drinking coffee with you. You are one of the greatest guys I know and I am so thankful for your friendship. I can't wait for you to move to Alaska. You are one of the most genuine friends I have. Thank you for always being there for me.

I am beyond thankful for each and everyone of you.
I miss you all.
Get excited for Christmas break. :)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bears, fishing, sunsets, and more

I am soooo behind on posting. I apologize. My apartment has been internet free for about a month now so that makes it a little difficult to update. I am not dedicated enough to type out a whole post on my iphone. I decided I will do a super long post consisting of my life over the past month. Get excited for a list!

1. I hiked to the top of a mountain.
There is a mountain called Flattop here in Anchorage. Rachel and I climbed it on a beautiful day. It was breathtaking at the top. The very end of the hike is actual rock climbing. It was a great hike and I'll probably do it again at some point.

2. Alaska State Fair
The Alaska State Fair was a very close second to the Texas State Fair. The food was different, but still delicious! Although I did miss eating a Fletcher's corn dog. We stood in the rain and watched Lonestar. Overall, it was a super fun day even though it was rainy.

3. I took engagement photos for my roomie.
My room mate Jolene is getting married this summer and she asked me if I could go and take engagement pictures for her. I thoroughly enjoyed doing it. I ended up taking a lot of really cute ones. The picture above is the one she used for her save the date.

4. I saw bears!
Rachel, Erik, and I were on a hike and we spotted three black bears. It was a mom and two cubs. They were terrifyingly cute.

5. My parents visited.
My parents came down for 5 days in September. It was so much fun. We ate at all the delicious restaurants here. It was fun showing them around. We also went on a drive along the coast and it was gorgeous because of all the leaves changing. I loved having them here.

6. I went rainbow trout fishing.
I will have to post more pictures of this because I don't have any of the pictures of the actual fish we caught. I caught a 20 inch rainbow trout plus a ton of littler ones. I went with Rachel, her cousin Justin, and then Rachel's parents best friends. It was so fun. We only stayed one night, but it was a true Alaskan fishing experience. We got great weather and caught a ton of fish. As you can tell by the picture, Rachel and I looked great in our fishing gear. We had about 15 layers on.

7. I saw the best rainbow ever.
On our way back from fishing, I saw the brighest, biggest, and longest rainbow I have ever seen. We drove towards it for literally 30 minutes. We drove into it and unfortunately I did not see what was at the end of the rainbow.

8. I watched the most beautiful sunset.
One night Jolene, Rachel, and I were sitting on the couch bored out of our minds so we decided to go watch the sunset. I couldn't have even imagined a more beautiful sunset. We have this perfect spot where you can see the ocean, the mountains, and the city of Anchorage. It literally could not have been prettier. I was in awe of it.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Peppermint Mocha

I spend a lot of time sitting at a wonderful coffee shop called SteamDot. They have the best coffee I have ever tasted. I am sitting there right this second, drinking a peppermint mocha that kicks Starbucks butt. Since I have spent so much time here, I have had the chance to really spend time reading the bible and just thinking about my life.

When I step back and look at my life, I can’t believe how lucky I am. I am sitting in Anchorage, Alaska living on my own. I wouldn’t be sitting here without the love and support of my parents. It’s a really weird stage of your life right after you graduate. You want to be an adult, but part of you still wishes you were a little kid who needed to be taken care of. I still feel like my house in Sherman is my home, but now it’s my parents’ home. I still feel completely dependent on my parents, but when push comes to shove, I am an adult and I am on my own. Completely on my own. It’s a scary feeling when you are pretty much thrown into it.

I am now in a stage where I just want to know what God wants me to do with my life. I know I want to teach children and help better their lives, but I don’t know where or how. I have been thinking a lot about why I am in Alaska. In all honestly, I 100% believe I am here because God wants me to be. I feel Him everywhere. You can’t look at the mountains or the ocean without seeing His greatness. Proverbs 3:5-6 pretty much sums up why I am here:

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will direct your path."

We are not in control of our lives. I ended up in Alaska because God wanted me to go FAR out on my own and live. I believe I am here to strengthen my relationship with Him. I have definitely done that. Standing on top of a mountain, listening to the silence, I was dumbfounded by how He has created this whole world, just for us. He loves us more than we can even fathom.

As I sit here listening to good music (Sara Bareilles new cd) and sipping on the best peppermint mocha ever, I am in awe of God’s greatness and perfect plan. I am so blessed to have my friends that I have in my life. Each and every time I talk to them on the phone or ichat, I realize just how great they are. I miss my friends…a lot. This past summer was perfect and I made lifelong friendships with a lot of people who are not in Alaska, which makes it hard. Thank goodness for technology. I just want to thank my friends for putting forth the effort to keep in touch and that I love each and every one of you. I’ll be back in Texas soon enough. :)

All done.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Watching the Food Network 8 hours a day has finally paid off

So my good friend Katie gave me the idea of cooking new things and then posting the recipes on here. Well seeing as there are no sub jobs in Alaska, I've had a lot of time to cook. Here are two new recipes that I have tried out and just absolutely LOVED. Also the pictures aren't the best quality because I didn't feel like lugging out my fancy camera to take pictures so bear with me. You know you love iphone pictures!

This meal was broiled feta chicken with steamed broccoli and roasted potatoes.
For the chicken you need:
  • 1 cup plain nonfat yogurt
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1/2 Tbl. rosemary (fresh is the best)
  • 1/4 tsp. black pepper
  • 4 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1/2 cup feta cheese, crumbled
Stir yogurt, garlic, rosemary, and pepper in a large shallow dish. Add the chicken, making sure to coat both sides. Marinate in the fridge for 1-3 hours (you can do less, it's just better the longer you wait). Allow chicken to come to room temperature (about 30 mins). Line broiler pan with foil, put chicken on broil for 20 minutes, turn over. Put the feta on top of each breast. Cook until done about 15 more minutes.

For the potatoes you need:
  • 5 small potatoes (any kind...I used new potatoes)
  • Olive oil
  • Salt and pepper
  • 3 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 2 Tbls. fresh rosemary
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut potatoes into small cubes. Put in a bowl and add salt, pepper, garlic, and rosemary. Mix. Add enough olive oil to coat evenly on all the potatoes. Spread evenly on a cookie sheet. Cook for 20 minutes, stirring halfway through. Stir and cook about 10 minutes.

You should know how to make steamed broccoli. :)

The second meal was lemon chicken stir-fry over brown rice.

For the chicken you will need:
  • 1 lemon (3 Tbl. juice & some lemon zest)
  • 1/2 c. reduced-sodium chicken broth
  • 3 Tbl. reduced-sodium soy sauce
  • 2 tsp. cornstarch
  • 1 Tbl. olive oil
  • 1 lb. boneless, skinless chicken breasts (cut into small pieces)
  • 1 cup carrots
  • 1 1/2 cups snap peas
  • 1/2 cup onion
  • 1 bell pepper
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes
Heat oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. Add chicken and cook until just cooked through (4 to 5 minutes). Set aside in a bowl. Meanwhile, create sauce in small bowl. Add lemon juice, soy sauce, broth, and cornstarch. Mix well. You might want to double the sauce...i do:) Add onions, peppers, and carrots. Cook until tender. Add snow peas, garlic, and lemon zest. Cook until fragrant. Add sauce to pan; cook until thickened (about 2 to 3 minutes). Add chicken back into pan. Simmer until chicken is heated through. Serve over brown rice.

I hope you all enjoy and try them out! Hugs and kisses from Alaska. :)

Monday, August 30, 2010


Alaska is beautiful. It is beautiful everywhere. This picture was taken on one of my first days here as we were just driving to the grocery store. It is so awesome to be driving to the store and then be surrounded by mountains. There are mountains on all sides of us. I love the mountains. I can't wait until there is snow on the mountains. I'm sure I'll be regretting that statement when it is 10 degrees below zero. Oh well, I'm living it up now.

My wonderful roommate woke up one morning and made us this yummy and adorable breakfast. I have loved cooking and have had lots of time to cook since I am not technically working yet. This was a very delicious breakfast and it was even better because it was right before our 8-3 all day sub training which was basically every thing we have learned in the past four years at A&M squeezed into a day. Oh and no one else in the room had ANY idea of what to do in almost any situation mentioned so about a 100 questions were asked. Needless to say, it was a very long day.
One of the best things about this trip has been how amazing it has been spiritually. I have spent almost 2 hours a day sitting at this wonderful coffee shop called Steamdot which is where my other roommate works. I love it. It is such a peaceful place. It is amazing to be drinking a delicious americano, reading my bible, and then looking out the window to see all of God's beauty through the landscape up here. I have also found a church that I really like and that makes me happy.
One day last week I was pulling up to Steamdot and this ADORABLE dog was sitting outside in the parking lot. He was the cutest thing I'd ever seen. His owner was just sitting in the coffee shop drinking his coffee and the dog was quite content sitting outside in his buggy. I about died laughing when I saw his cute little leather vest and goggles.

Another great thing about Alaska is that the weather is so nice that they have GORGEOUS flowers everywhere (this makes me think of you miss katie h. every time I see all the pretty flowers). We went to a fair in downtown Anchorage and on our walk we found these flowers. I decided to take a picture. :)

I will be posting about the things I have done on my list of what I wanted to do here. I do miss certain things about Texas, but one thing I definitely don't miss is the heat. I'm going to go on a hike in the amazing weather now...65 and sunny.

Friday, August 20, 2010

My first three days in Alaska

I am finally here! It is so odd to actually be in Anchorage in my new home. The apartment is super cute and we are kinda moved in. We are waiting on the storage place because we can't get another bed out until the 27th so we are making do until then. I decided I would make a list of all of the things I have done thus far because I love lists. :)

1. I ate the most delicious salmon sushi.
2. I watched the sun start to set at 10 pm.
3. I went running outside and didn't die of a heat stroke.
4. I got a basic tour of Anchorage.
5. I got all signed up to substitute; I just have to do the training first.
6. I drank the most delicious coffee...twice.
7. I ate Moose's Tooth pizza which was AMAZING. Almost as good as Italy.
8. I went to the lake and jumped into the cold water.
9. I drove a jet ski for the first time.
10. I took lots of beautiful pictures of the lake.

It has only been three days and I am already having a blast. The weather has been phenomenal and I know it will get worse, but right now, I'm loving it. I can't wait to start working and to continue making new friends. This has already been an amazing adventure. I think today we are hiking up to flattop mountain.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

To do in AK

As I was sitting eating ice cream at Braum's with Abby, I decided that I need to make a list of what I want to do in Alaska. So yet again I will be making a GET EXCITED! Hahah anyways I don't completely know what I want to do, but there are a few things I am sure I want to do. Some are random, but some will take some effort and money.

1. Ride a dog sled

2. Build a snowman

3. See the Northern Lights

4. Take a picture of a bear and moose

5. Ski

6. Snowshoe to somewhere cool

7. Fish for salmon/halibut

8. Go camping for at least 3 days

9. Go on a mission trip

This isn't an all inclusive list because I will definitely add more once I get there.

I am really starting to get SUPER excited about moving. I have started collecting stuff that I am going to pack. I absolutely love winter clothes. I also have been working outside in the 106 degree weather. I AM SO READY FOR COLD. I am sure I will regret that statement come November, but who knows, maybe not. I have always loved the snow and the cold. My mom said that when we went to Colorado I would always want to go outside, not necessarily to play, but to just be in the snow. Snow is one of the most peaceful settings ever. Hopefully, I will love it, but I'm sure I will. Please pray for me that I will figure out why God has put this adventure on my heart. I believe He has picked Alaska for some purpose, but we will see what that turns out to be.

This is my "I'm super excited for Alaska picture."

Friday, July 30, 2010


I am a four year old on the inside. I love Disney movies. I love being goofy and silly. I love just being a kid. So logically I love silly bandz (bandz NOT bands...there is a huge difference). I don't know if you are on the silly bandz train, but I am for sure. I found a huge pile of them at the pool one day and I was forever hooked. I have five of them...

A pig
Princess Aurora (Sleeping Beauty)
Glow in the dark turtle
Glow in the dark moose
The moose/reindeer is my favorite.

You should get some. They will just make your day better.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

I just cleaned my room and now I am wasting time before I have to go to work. I follow several blogs that post wedding stuff like pictures and ideas. I am not planning a wedding so don't worry. I just really am starting to enjoy photography and I love looking at pictures. I got on a google frenzy and found some super cute pictures of babies. Here are a few of my favorites:

Happy Thursday! :)